No distractions
What if I told you that 95% of what you're doing… is just noise?
There are founders out there, like Mark Chellingworth from Apostle London, who built his business on selling one white shirt and one pair of black Oxford shoes. That's it—one style of each.
Mark told me that after 15 years of accessing businesses, he figured out that only one or two products make all the money; the rest are distractions. So, he only sells the best sellers.
As a self-diagnosed sufferer of BASNOS (Bright And Shiny New Object Syndrome), this really struck a chord with me. I need to find my best sellers and remove all of the distractions.
So, what are your best sellers? More importantly, what are all the distractions that take away your focus?
#microblogging #hikerwriters
Stay tuned, Mark will be joining Chris Meredith and I on The Common Creative podcast in the near future.