Creativity Shifter Part 1

Creativity is misunderstood in two ways.

One common misconception about creativity is that it is synonymous with artistry. This belief, often ingrained in us from our teenage years, leads us to think that creativity is exclusive to those with artistic talents. However, it's important to understand that artistry, whether in the visual or performing arts, creative writing, or any other form of artistic expression, is just one aspect of creativity.
Creativity is not confined to artistry; it is a much broader concept. In fact, if you are sitting in a room and looking around, almost everything you see has been 'created' to some extent by humans. This underscores the ubiquity of creativity in our personal and business lives, whether it's the nuts and bolts of making stuff, planning, strategy development, or solving a problem. All these activities involve a creative process.
However, although creativity is not limited to artistry, some sort of artistic practice can be a helpful stepping stone to exercising your creative thinking. The brain doesn't know the difference between whether your creativity is being applied to an artistic endeavour or a business issue and whether it is being rewired whether you are doing either or both.
Tomorrow, I will post about the other way that creativity is misunderstood: it is seen as relative. If I compare myself to someone highly creative, I mistakenly diminish my creativity.

#creativity #creativethinking #art #creativestrategy


Creativity is Misunderstood: Part 2


True Life vs Real Life.