You’re Awesome & You’re Doing Great

Monday Inspiration.
You're Awesome....... & so is Dallas Clayton.

Author 📚 Michael Bungay Stanier gave me this nifty little keyring at the end of this year's DO lectures in Wales. The other side of it says YOU’RE DOING GREAT.
Every time I pick up my keys, I am reminded of one of my favourite books of all time. It is ostensibly a kids' picture book, but so much more: AN AWESOME BOOK by the talented and erudite illustrator and author Dallas Clayton.

I was introduced to Dallas by my co-founder of TEDxBrisbane, Carl Lindgren when we unsuccessfully tried to get him to come over from the USA for our inaugural TEDxBrisbane. In his absence, we showed the audience his book through a PowerPoint presentation.
The book is about dreaming big. The words and images are humorous and inspiring. For me, his style is the epitome of visual storytelling!

The book is out of print, but luckily, Dallas has retained the rights to publish a digital version on his website, with the added benefit of some quirky sound effects.
Dallas has many other great books, but my favourite is AN AWESOME BOOK.

Please do yourself a favour and jump online for 5 minutes, have a read, and reread it to your kids later.
You can read it here.

As it happens, I am attending a workshop. It is a mashup between Michael and the fabulous Leanne Hughes: How to Face Change, a two-part banger to unlock your greatness.

It will be an awesome week for me, and I trust the same is true for you.

#awesome #creativethinking #visualstorytelling #awesomeweek #Facechange #change


Running out of Creative Steam


Saturday Conversation I: Unbridled Creativity