Will-Not Power
I have realised that despite a lot of negative self-talk, I have a great deal of willpower. I do get stuff done, and I have done so my whole career.
But what I lack is will-not-power.
I lack the power to will-not eat lots of chocolate, will-not doom scroll, will-not obsess about Donald Trump on the news, and will-not aimlessly check my phone during the day. These things I have seemingly little power over.
I find that when I exercise my will-not-power, the things that I like doing and am good at, writing and painting, just sort of happen. They fill the void.
This week, I am determined to exercise my will-not-power to get lots of creative stuff done.
I am on a mission* to reignite the creativity that people and teams have lost, buried or inadvertently misplaced with ideas, stories, a gentle nudge or a swift kick up the creativity pants.
*via keynotes, workshops, one-on-one coaching/mentoring and visual storytelling.
#willpower willnotpower #creativethinking #creativity