Periodic Creativity: Part Six
Periodic Creativity
The Sixth and final Ionic Bond of Creativity - GratificatION.
In the creative process, which can be likened to the Periodic Table of Creative Alchemy, you start by exploring an idea, then use your imagination to be inspired, manage distractions, curate your ideals, build momentum, overcome procrastination, and finally, express your ideas and connect with your audience. The last step in this process is gratification.
Gratification, the product of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, the latter could use a more creative name. I'd love to hear if you have a better idea for a negative ION for dissatisfaction. In my experience, whenever you create something, there's always a level of gratification, whether it's for yourself or your audience. What are your thoughts on this?
But if you put something into the world that you are dissatisfied with and negatively reflect on it, this leads to disillusion. From a state of disillusion, it is difficult to kick-start your curiosity and positively engage your imagination.
I am on a mission* to reignite the creativity that people and teams have lost, buried or inadvertently misplaced with ideas, stories, a gentle nudge or a swift kick up the creativity pants.
*via keynotes, workshops, one-to-one coaching/mentoring and visual storytelling.
#gratification #satisfaction #creativethinking #periodicCREATIVITY