Creativity is Misunderstood: Part 3

“I’m not the creative type’.”

In my experience, this stereotyping of creative types has been used in an almost derogatory tone in business: " Don’t worry about him; he is just one of those creative types” to dismiss ideas or different ways of thinking.

“Too many people fall into the mindset of ‘I’m not the creative type’ because of the industry or lifestyle they fall into.”
Marco Betti, CPCC, ACC made this comment about my post yesterday, and it got me thinking.

The creative folks at Adobe have created the Creative Types Quiz to find out which one of eight different creative types you are. I often use it as a pre-work exercise in my masterclasses. Besides being fun, with great motion graphics, clever questions, and good insights into individual strengths and the best collaborators, what I love best is that there is no “I am not a creative type” type.
So, at the beginning of a workshop, I don’t need to ask if you're creative; instead, I can ask what type of creative you are?
It is not so much a creative mindset, but a creative mind(un)set that we need.

You can take the quiz here: . It only takes about five minutes.
I am a dreamer.
“Using dreams to fuel real-world action.” That sounds about right, though I thought I might be an Artist.

What is your creative type?

#adobecreative #creativethinking #creativetypes #creativity


Creativity is Misunderstood: Part 4


Creativity is Misunderstood: Part 2