The second Ionic Bond of Creativity- InspiratION
This second stage of the Periodic table of creativity is close to my heart; Inspiration. As the Queen said in Lewis Carrol's The Looking Glass.
" Why, Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Inspiration has its positive ION imagination and the corresponding negative ION of distraction.
As Einstein said, the ability to access our imagination is one of our greatest gifts. "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Distraction can be a problem, especially in this digital age. But it is also part of the process, for it often acts as the circuit breaker to allow that momentary spark of inspiration—that eureka moment—I've got it. A distraction can also trigger inspiration in its own right.
I remember the saying that unassisted flight is easy; missing the ground is hard. The challenge is to use the distraction to give space for inspiration. But as anyone who has looked at some Instagram reels for a bit of inspiration, to find a few hours later that you can't even remember what you wanted to be inspired about, a distraction can become an addition.
Use distraction to boost your imagination to ignite the spark of inspiration, but beware, use it sparingly.
I am on a mission* to reignite the creativity that people and teams have lost, buried or inadvertently misplaced with ideas, stories, a gentle nudge or a swift kick up the creativity pants.
*via keynotes, workshops, one-to-one coaching/mentoring and visual storytelling.
#periodiccreativity #inspiration #imagination #distraction #addiction