
After I was a finalist in the Archibald Prize in 2001, I found it difficult to return to painting still life’s of bowls of fruit and the occasional landscape. I had made a painting that I felt had meaning.

When I returned, I spoke with an artist friend and collaborated with Yenda Carson, who advised me to return to the studio and play.
This was useful; it took me back to when I first started painting. I am not thinking, just experimenting and playing with ideas and techniques.
But she didn’t tell me that playing was part of the process, not necessarily the final result, and therefore not necessarily to be shown to the world. In short, to curate my efforts.

After we have moments of Inspiration, it is important to curate our efforts before we move on to the next stage of action.

In order to curate, we need to work out what to include, and what to exclude. The ION’s of Inclusion and Exclusion.

Without these steps of Inclusion and Exclusion, our efforts will lead to Confusion. So cut and paste your Inspiration to clarify what idea your Inspiration has allowed you to bring into the world.

This model is a work in progress. Maybe instead of Inclusion and Exclusion, it should be Addition and Subtraction. What do you think?

I am on a mission* to reignite the creativity that people and teams have lost, buried or inadvertently misplaced with ideas, stories, a gentle nudge or a swift kick up the creativity pants.
*via keynotes, workshops, one-to-one coaching/mentoring and visual storytelling.

#Curartion #Addition #Subtraction #Confusion #Creativethinking #creativity


Periodic Creativity: Part Four
